Fall Chinese Medicine Tips to Stay Healthy

Building fall leaves_2In Chinese Medicine autumn represents the transition season from the height of yang or active energy of summer into the passive or yin energy of winter. The season is associated with the Metal element and the Lung organ network.

Just as the lungs and the breath help to establish a rhythm within our bodies, fall is the natural season to rediscover a healthy rhythm in your life.

The Metal element of fall symbolizes clarity and diamond-like strength.

You can harness the natural energy of fall to clarify what you value most. It is the perfect time to look inside and find the strength to set boundaries and say no to what no longer lines up with your True North. If you fell away from your commitment to your health routines and core habits during summer, fall is a great time to recommit to eating healthy, exercising regularly, and addressing your health concerns!

Here are some tips from a Chinese Medicine perspective to help you reactivate your wellness routine and to stay healthy this fall.

1. Prioritize what is most valuable to you.

In the fall we often become acutely aware that there are never enough hours in the day. Are there tasks that are occupying your time that are preventing you from eating well, exercising regularly and spending quality time with loved ones? See my blog post about values to revisit this. Even better, order my book to dig in even deeper.

2. Keep Warm and Wear A Scarf.

In Chinese Medicine, the wind is seen as the root of many diseases and especially with colds characterized by sneezing, runny noses and chills. There is an acupuncture point located at the base of the skull about an inch in either direction from the spine. This point is named Wind Pool and keeping this point protected and covered by a scarf is thought to help ward off colds and flus.


3. Eat with the season.

Fall is the time to transition towards eating warming and cooked food. The warm yang nature of summer helps the body digest raw food and salads. But, as the weather turns cooler, eating raw and cold food puts a strain on the digestive system. This, in turn, takes energy away from the body’s ability to defend itself from illness. Eat warm foods (steamed vegetables, soups, etc.) Build up your reserve of energy to keep your health this winter by incorporating baked root vegetables and winter squashes into your diet.

The minute you feel a cold coming on, add garlic, ginger, fresh green onions to your diet to warm up your system and fight off your cold. Bonus if you put it in bone broth!

4. Boost Your Immune System with Acupuncture.

Fall is a great time to get back into your acupuncture routine, especially if you suffer from colds, pneumonia, asthma, depression, fatigue, arthritis, or any conditions that worsen in the winter months. Acupuncture can directly boost your immune system and support your lungs to make you less susceptible to illnesses in the coming months.

If you’re local to Portland call the office to schedule your tune-up series with me! If you want help and you’re not local, we can still look at supplements, nutrition, and seasonal specific self-care routines to see you through the season with ease. You can get that set up here!

Yours in Health,



PS. If you’re on instagram, come join me over there!

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