If you are a media outlet or are looking to hire a speaker
please see my speaking and expertise page.

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While not at my clinic or consulting with individual clients virtually, you’ll find me writing, speaking, and being interviewed in both traditional and online media outlets.

I've presented at events such as Chris Guillebeau's World Domination Summit, Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin's Gaia Women Lead, Marc and Angel's Think Better Live better, Jen Bebb's What If, and have lectured and taught classes to lay and professional audiences across the country and beyond. I’ve been interviewed for and quoted in Shape, Huffington Post, Livestrong, LA Times, the Wall Street Journal and more.

I love nothing more than public speaking, interviews and writing for blogs and magazines. SCROLL DOWN to see/read/watch for yourself!


Podcasts & Radio

Guest Blog Posts & Freelance

Quoted Here & There

Television and Video

Gluten-Free Guidelines | KATU News |  appearance at 00:39