Herbs and Supplements

5 Rules for Choosing the Right Protein Powder

Some people feel that using protein powder to get protein levels up is cheating. I disagree. Given that getting enough protein is an important part of steady energy, even mood, and stable blood sugar, I personally feel that it is often a great option for a boost. You can check out another post I wrote about getting enough protein if you like but TL;DR the…

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Where can I buy good quality supplements? | Ask Dr. Samantha Video

After working in the supplement industry I can tell you one thing for sure. Finding good quality products is more difficult than you would ever imagine. More here! Find more about this topic using the search sidebar or topic menu!

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Why Supplement Quality is Important for YOU!

How do you know if you can trust that the supplements will have in them what they say they have in them? Short answer…it’s complicated. Supplement quality is more difficult to assess than you might think. Having a trustworthy source of potent supplements is vital. Unfortunately, the supplement industry is not well regulated by the FDA or any regulatory organization for that matter. Because of…

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B Vitamins: What You Need to Know

You have probably heard at one point or another that you should take vitamins. But you have probably also heard that it’s unnecessary, and that we shouldn’t. What’s the truth? The answer is probably somewhere in the middle. In an ideal world we would get everything we need from our food as it would come from the earth without refining or processing. In an ideal…

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Vitamin D: What You Need to Know

If you want to stay healthy through the winter and beyond, don’t forget your vitamin D! Where I live in Portland, OR, we’ve had an abundance of sunshine-filled days this winter- a rare treat! But no matter the season we need to be attentive to how much vitamin D we get. I’ve talked about winter blues in a past blog post but the blues aren’t…

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Hip hip, it’s allergy season again!

Runny nose? Itchy eyes? Itchy skin? Fatigue? Sneezing? Cough? Asthma? Check, check, check! I always forget allergy season is coming until it hits, then GAH!! I know I’m not alone, which is why I’m hosting another Facebook Live this coming Tuesday at 8am PT/11am ET to talk about allergies. I’ll be explaining what happens in your body when you get allergy symptoms, what supplements help with allergies,…

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Seasonal Allergies? Already?

Every year around this time I get an influx of patients who are sick. Runny nose, cough, irritated eyes, full ears. And often enough it’s the same patients year after year. I get out my thermometer, stethoscope, peek in their ears and ask “are you sure it’s not your allergies acting up?” “Oh, right! But isn’t it too early?”

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How Do You Trust Your Supplement Brand? Here is what to ask them…

Every time a new patient comes into the clinic I have ‘the supplement talk.’ Here’s the thing; no one is regulating the supplement industry. And it is indeed an industry, a big one at that. Does that mean that you can’t trust anything out there? No. It means that you need to be very careful about which supplements you buy. Just because something is expensive,…

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