Is dark chocolate good for you? | Ask Dr. Samantha Video

I am a big fan of dark chocolate. Are you?
Take a peek at this video to learn about why you should (or shouldn’t!) eat it.

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How do you get your kid to eat healthy foods? | Ask Dr. Samantha Video

Kids can really be a challenge, especially when it comes to what they like to eat! But there’s a trick if you get started early. And once you know it you’ll never look back.

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How can I be less negative? | Ask Dr. Samantha Video

Negativity…we all struggle with it sometimes, but how can we turn that around and be more positive?

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How many hours of sleep is enough? | Ask Dr. Samantha Video

You really want to get enough sleep, as sleep is the single most important thing for keeping your energy up and your body in balance!

What other questions do you have about sleep? Ask me your questions for future videos here!

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